
Beginning of the Excursion: Wednesday March 12, 5:18


Meeting point: Wednesday March 12, 5:18,



With Guide: NO



Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:30

Address: Královská obora 233, Bubeneč, 170 21 Praha 7

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:30, 01 Meridian (main stage), Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.planetum.cz/

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


Prague planetarium is located on the edge of Stromovka Park in Prague 7. The building was constructed in the late 1950s and on the 20th November 1960, it was opened to the public. In 2018 the Planetarium and the two Prague observatories joined forces under a new brand, Planetum. The have been operating as one ever since.

The Prague Planetarium projects the universe on a dome measuring 23.5 m in diameter - one of the largest in Europe and in the world. The modern digital projection system with 8K resolution not only allows a perfect view on the dark night sky, but can also transport you to distant planets or travel into deep space. The dome also has the possibility to screen educational or artistic films, and fairy tales, which completely immerse the audience with full-dome image and 5.1 surround sound. During the excursion you will see an entire film and a trailer to the second one:

VOYAGER: the Never-Ending Journey

In 1977 two space probes were launched to explore the farthest planets of the Solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune along with their moons. Now after four decades they now travel through interstellar space. Both probes carry an interstellar message – the Golden Record, intended for any alien civilization. A live guided tour of the current night sky precedes the film. During your visit you are welcome to explore the interactive exhibition in the foyer of the Prague Planetarium.

Vltava (Moldau) from the cycle My Country

You will see a show produced by the Prague Planetarium and get to experience the Czech landscape from the river, from its banks and from the airplane. The projection is accompanied by the music of the famous composer Bedrich Smetana performed by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Planetum Prague

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:30

Address: Strahovská 205, 118 00 Praha 1

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:05, 06 Leo, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.planetum.cz/

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


The Štefánik Observatory is located in the heart of Prague, in Petřín’s parks next to the medieval Hunger Wall, which was built during the reign of Charles IV in the 14th century. The observatory was opened on the 24th of June, 1928. In the mid-1970s, a full-scale reconstruction gave the observatory its current appearance. It was reopened to the public in 1976. Since 1979, the Štefánik observatory has been a part of the “Observatory and Prague Planetarium”. In 2018 the Planetarium and the two Prague observatories joined forces under a new brand, Planetum. During the day it is possible to observe the Sun. The telescope in the main dome allows you to observe the solar disk with sunspots. Eruptions and solar flares can be watched with a special chromospheric telescope. At night, the observations focus on the Moon and the planets of the Solar System. It is also possible to look beyond the boundaries of the Solar System and observe selected stars and deep space objects – nebulas, star clusters or galaxies. During the excursion you will see a film:

Prague astronomical

which is a guided tour through monuments related to the thousand-year history of astronomy in Prague. Special attention is paid to the golden age of the Rudolfinian astronomy, when Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler worked in Prague, from whose collaboration the foundations of the new astronomy emerged. The rich list of astronomical monuments (Prague Astronomical Clock, Clementinum, etc.) is always set in specific historical contexts.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Planetum Prague

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:05, 11 Stella, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: http://www.reaktor-vr1.cz/en/about-us/vr-1

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


“School nuclear reactor” is operated by Czech Technical University in Prague for more than 30 years. It was built in Troja and it's used not only for educating students of the university but also for training professionals. The reactor VR-1 is a lightwater, zero power research reactor with enriched uranium. Its design satisfies the requirement of easy accessibility to the reactor core in order to provide education of students and training of qualified staff of the nuclear industry. The reactor is operated at an atmospheric pressure at a temperature of about 20 °C. The reactor is surprisingly small - the diameter of the container is about 2,5 m, the height of the container is about 4,5 m. The excursion contains a site visit and a reactor operation demonstration. Information on all important aspects of nuclear energy production and safe nuclear reactor operation is also provided. A typical visit takes approximately two hours. The staff will introduce you to the basics of nuclear reactor technology and provide you with a tour around the facility. Visit is not accessible for pregnant women.

Before the visit, please read the rules for excursion: https://reaktor-vr1.cz/en/activities/visit

More information about the reactor can be seen here: https://reaktor-vr1.cz/en/.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Training Reactor VR-1 (https://reaktor-vr1.cz/cz/)

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Klementinum, Mariánské nám. 5, 110 00 Staré Město

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:00, 05 Taurus, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.klementinum.com/en/

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: 11 EUR / 270 CZK

With Guide: YES


Large complex of Klementinum is situated next to the Charles Bridge, right in the historical center of Prague. The Klementinum was founded by the Jesuits after their arrival in Bohemia in 1556. With more than 2 hectares it is also one of the largest building complexes in Europe. Prominent architects were involved in the design of the building, for example Carlo Lurago, Franz Maximilian Kanka or Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer.

Jesuits ran a school in the Klementinum from its foundation, in 1622 it was promoted to a university. In addition to classrooms and bedrooms for the community, the Jesuits also built a library, a print room, a pharmacy, theater and of course church buildings. Klementinum was merged with the Charles University in 1654, along with its library collection. Today Klementinum is the seat of the National Library.

Many sundials can be seen in the area in freely available courtyards. Astronomical tower has been used for meteorological measurement since 18. century to these days, so Klementinum has become one of the oldest places in the world, where is continuos line of meteorological measurement.. Guided tour comprises the Baroque library hall, the baroque perl between the libraries with beautiful fresco paintings and a few historically rare big globes. Meridian hall, the unique room, previously used for determining noon. Astronomical tower which is 68 meters high presents a wonderful view of the historical center of Prague.

More information about klementinum can be seen here. https://www.klementinum.com/en/.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Klementinum, https://www.klementinum.com/historie/

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Staroměstské náměstí, 110 00 Staré Město

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:05, Foyer Zenit & Nadir, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_astronomical_clock

Duration: 90 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


Excursion to the Prague Astronomical Clock (Orloj) and Stone Bell House with a professional explanation by the most competent Czech expert on the Astronomical Clock doc. A. Šolcová.





Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Albertov 6, Praha 2, 128 43

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:00, 07 Virgo, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geology/museum-earth-history?set_language=en

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


Faculty of Science, Charles University

Chlupáč Museum of Earth History is a university museum established for education of geology sciences (palaeontology, stratigraphy, palaeogeography, etc.). It was originally a collection of the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. It is used primarily to teaching and research in the field of historical geology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, general geology, regional geology and other related fields. For its undeniably compelling content this museum is open to the public on special selected times since 2009. However, the geological and palaeontological collections have been part of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University since its foundation in 1920 and before that date, they were housed at the departments of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles-Ferdinand University, under which the natural sciences were originally organised (this applies to both the Czech and German parts of the Faculty).


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Chlupáč's Museum of Earth History, https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geology/museum-earth-history?set_language=en

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague 8

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:15, 08 Quadrant, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.fzu.cz/en/research/divisions-and-departments/division-2/department-17/laboratory-1702

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


If you are interested in visiting our facilities, join us and discover the real scientific work in electron microscopy lab. The Laboratory of Electron Microscopy (LEM) focuses on the complex characterization of inorganic materials at micro to nanoscale using two major type instruments SEM and TEM. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a versatile tool to investigate not only morphology and microstructure on samples, but even other physical properties through the adjacent techniques. We will demonstrate shortly the physical background of the imaging by electrons and overview usual complementary techniques exploited in SEM as energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD). The micromanipulation in the chamber is possible by installation of focused ion beam (FIB), which allows some tomography methods too. Mentioned methods will be performed on site to give a view on style of work in the microscopy lab.

Try your guess at what ordinary things look like in a microscope:

Microscopy Quiz 2020: https://crysa.fzu.cz/Mariana/kviz/2020/en_kviz_2020.html

Microscopy Quiz 2021: https://crysa.fzu.cz/Mariana/kviz/2021/en_kviz_2021.html

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU)

FZU is a public research institution which carries out basic and applied research in physics. FZU‘s mission is to understand and explain the basic phenomena and processes of this world and to respond to current scientific and technical challenges of society. Our scientists’ research activities have been an integral part of European as well as global research in physics. Our workers participate in projects funded by national and international programmes and contribute to technological progress and innovation in the industry. The activities of FZU have involved strategic management of the institution in the area of Human Resources, international cooperation, cooperation with industry and the promotion and popularization of science.

The existing research programme of the Institute of Physics includes elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics, solid state physics and plasma physics, and classical and quantum optics.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague 8

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:15, 08 Quadrant, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.fzu.cz/en/research/divisions-and-departments/division-2/department-17/laboratory-1702

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


If you are interested in visiting our facilities, join us and discover the real scientific work in electron microscopy lab. The Laboratory of Electron Microscopy (LEM) focuses on the complex characterization of inorganic materials at micro to nanoscale using two major type instruments SEM and TEM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a universal technique that uses various signals generated in the electron microscope to supply a complex characterization of materials at nanoscale. In this workshop, we will give you the theoretical introduction and practical demonstration of some of the methods of TEM. This includes combining information on sample morphology using BF/DF imaging, chemical composition by spectroscopy techniques (EDS, EELS) and atomic structure by electron diffraction. Moreover, direct observation of atomic structure and its defects with resolution of 0.19 nm will be demonstrated (HRTEM).

Try your guess at what ordinary things look like in a microscope:

Microscopy Quiz 2020: https://crysa.fzu.cz/Mariana/kviz/2020/en_kviz_2020.html

Microscopy Quiz 2021: https://crysa.fzu.cz/Mariana/kviz/2021/en_kviz_2021.html

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU)

FZU is a public research institution which carries out basic and applied research in physics. FZU‘s mission is to understand and explain the basic phenomena and processes of this world and to respond to current scientific and technical challenges of society. Our scientists’ research activities have been an integral part of European as well as global research in physics. Our workers participate in projects funded by national and international programmes and contribute to technological progress and innovation in the industry. The activities of FZU have involved strategic management of the institution in the area of Human Resources, international cooperation, cooperation with industry and the promotion and popularization of science.

The existing research programme of the Institute of Physics includes elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics, solid state physics and plasma physics, and classical and quantum optics.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU), Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 21 Prague 8

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:15, 08 Quadrant, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: https://www.fzu.cz/en/research/divisions-and-departments/division-4/department-21/laboratory-2102

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: Free

With Guide: YES


Join our excursion and get more information from our scientist investigating processes which regulates cell-nanoparticle interactions, nanoparticles as potential drug delivery agents and impact of nanoparticles on cell machinery and kinetics. The research of this laboratory is focused on the effects of materials, structures, interfaces, particles, and physical fields on biological systems as well as the development of new biotechnological concepts. The ultimate goal of the laboratory is to gain insight into the understanding of how physical factors influence the processes that drive cell behaviour and functionality.

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU)

FZU is a public research institution which carries out basic and applied research in physics. FZU‘s mission is to understand and explain the basic phenomena and processes of this world and to respond to current scientific and technical challenges of society. Our scientists’ research activities have been an integral part of European as well as global research in physics. Our workers participate in projects funded by national and international programmes and contribute to technological progress and innovation in the industry. The activities of FZU have involved strategic management of the institution in the area of Human Resources, international cooperation, cooperation with industry and the promotion and popularization of science.

The existing research programme of the Institute of Physics includes elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics, solid state physics and plasma physics, and classical and quantum optics.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Mariia Uzhytchak: Liver cancer cells/Hepatocellular carcinoma Alexander cells, control, stained with flourescent dyes. Red – Lipid droplets, Green – Thiophlavin, Blue – Nucleus

Beginning of the Excursion: Friday March 25, 19:00

Address: Burešova 1661/2, 182 00 Praha 8-Kobylisy

Meeting point: Friday March 25, 18:00, 04 Aquarius, Festival Area (in case you want to join the group)

Web: http://www.cobolis.beer/pivovar/

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: 10 EUR, possibility to pay by card or cash

With Guide: YES


Located in the Ládví cultural house, among high-rise apartment buildings, the Cobolis brewery was established at the turn of 2017 and 2018 and quickly gained popularity among beer geeks.

There are usually ten different beers on tap in the brewery restaurant, starting with the Desítka “Předák” pale lager, Ležák “Praotec” Czech Pale lager, four American-style ales like is IPA, NEIPA, APA and two other beers depending on the season and the current inspiration such as sour ale and bavarian wheat beer or stout. To try and compare the beers, you can order a degustation board with four different samples. You can also buy Cobolis bottled beer to go. The brewpub menu consists of a variety of modern dishes made to perfectly complement the beer, including daily and weekend specials.

The tour offers an exciting package that includes beer tank tasting, learning about brewery processes, classification of beers and how each brewery is distinct from one another. You walk through the brewery with a knowledgeable, friendly, enthusiastic tour guide and meet the brewmasters.


Previous registration for the excursion is necessary. Please use the shared access to the Eventee application for registration. Excursions are intended exclusively for nominated participants of the festival. Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions, contact us.

Photo by: Cobolis Ládví